9 Simple Methods to Check MTN Numbers

Henfrey Wangulu
Feb 11, 2024


Photo by Oliur on Unsplash

Below are some simple methods you can use to check your MTN number in South Africa;

Using USSD Code.

Simply dial *123*888# from your phone to see your MTN number.

Using the Please Call Me service.

Use your phone to send a please call me to request to your neighbour's phone and they will receive an SMS with your number.

Using MTN's official webpage.

Visit the MTN official webpage, and sign into your account. Then click on My Account details to see your Phone number

Using the MTN app.

You can also install the MTN App from your app store, sign into your account, and you will see your phone number on the user dashboard

You can check out the other methods in the detailed guide I made by clicking here



Henfrey Wangulu

Medical Advice Channel is a medical blog dedicated to providing up to date Medical Tutorials, Articles, and Reviews. Am Henfrey, the Admin.